The Board of Directors
One of the key recommendations of the initial 2006 Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan had been to support the establishment of a sustainable watershed board. To that end, municipal chief elected officials from the watershed towns of East Lyme, Montville, Salem, and Waterford signed a Watershed Compact in March 2011, affirming their commitment to the protection of water quality in the Niantic River and its watershed. With the support and assistance of the four participating municipalities, the Niantic River Watershed Board of Directors first convened on October 26, 2011. As of December 2014, the NRWC Board consists of up to two appointed representatives each from the four watershed towns and includes representatives from the East Lyme Harbor Management/Shellfish Commission and the Waterford-East Lyme Shellfish Commission. Alternates have also been appointed by town officials for each member. For current seated board members, please visit: https://boards.eltownhall.com/board/4461.
NRWC Board Responsibilities
The NRWC Board is governed by a set of by-laws. Responsibilities of the Board include planning, directing, and evaluating the activities of NRWC implementation of the watershed management protection plans. A Plan of Work, identifies implementation goals and proposes activities that the NRWC and its partners can undertake to meet those goals. The Plan of Work also serves as a history of watershed projects and accomplishments. NRWC Meetings The Board of Directors meets at 6 PM on the first Thursday of each month (holidays excepted) at the East Lyme Town Hall located at 108 Pennsylvania Avenue in Niantic. Meetings can also be joined online or by phone using access codes provided in the current monthly agenda. Agendas and minutes can be obtained from the Town of East Lyme website at Niantic River Watershed Committee. NRWC meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to join us if you would like to learn more about our projects and activities within the watershed. If you are interested in attending a meeting, volunteering, or joining a partnership, please contact the NRWC Coordinator.